Site Manager of the Lednice-Valtice Cultural Landscape, World Heritage Site
Lower Morava BR, P.B.C., treats the issue of cultural landscape management as a sophisticated system with numerous specific requirements, particularly in the area of the Lednice-Valtice Cultural Landscape. These requirements are inherent in the obligation to ensure protection, management and sustainable development upon preserving the outstanding value of the landscape inscribed on the World Heritage List in 1996. The complexity of the task and the necessity to ensure interdisciplinary coordination, communication and continuous awareness of all the stakeholders in the area require a full involvement of a coordinator, or LVCL Site Manager, as an objective moral authority. Lower Morava BR, P.B.C., was proposed for this post by the Interdisciplinary Workgroup for LVCL in 2007. In 2012 we succeeded in obtaining funding from the grant programme of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic “Support for UNESCO World Heritage Sites” to secure an update of the LVCL Management Plan. The project is implemented in collaboration with experts from the National Heritage Institute, as well as scientists from Mendel University in Brno, particularly those from the Faculty of Horticulture in Lednice. We also established a close collaboration with external specialists in the field of LVCL. We provided all labour-law requirements for the LVCL Site Manager and participated in all the relevant activities in LVCL. As a legal entity we fulfilled the role of a platform intended for continuous interdisciplinary exchange of expert information and coordination. This principle was safeguarded through active participatory management in our P.B.C., thanks to the fact that all key LVCL stakeholders are represented in the Board of Directors and other governing bodies of our BR and thanks to our direct participation in the Interdisciplinary Workgroup for LVCL, which was established by a government decree. Sadly, a system of basic (core) funding of LVCL Site Manager operation as a commissioned, long-term public benefit service for LVCL so far failed to be secured.
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