Lednice-Valtice Cultural Landscape – World Heritage Site Map The second publication commemorating the 10th anniversary of the LVCL inscription on the World Heritage List was a map called “Lednice-Valtice Cultural Landscape – World Heritage Site”. The full-colour material contains a stylized hand-drawn map of LVCL with drawings of its major monuments. The author of the map and the drawings is Ing. arch. Ales Klose. The back cover of the map contains information about LVCL and its cultural, historical and natural values along with landscape contexts conditioned by long-term deliberate human activity. The accompanying commentary was provided by Ing. Eva Horsakova, Project Manager of Lower Morava BR and author of the LVCL Management Plan. The commentary is in both Czech and English, meaning that the map can also be distributed to foreign visitors to the area. The map production was funded by South Moravia Region. |
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