Home BIOSPHERE RESERVE Main documents of the MAB Program

The basic documents of the Man and the Biosphere Program (MAB)

UNESCO, as a part of the United Nations Organization (UN), started its active interest in environmental problems with small intergovernmental conference of experts on the scientific basis for rational use and conservation of the resources of the biosphere taking part in Paris in 1968.

UNESCO called up the first International Congress on Biosphere Reserves to Minsk (Belarus) in 1983. The congress outcomes included recommendations for the Action Plan for Biosphere Reserves, that was yet based on parallel development protected areas and BRs at that time.

 The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), held in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) in 1992 gave the basis for the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) entering the force in 1993. Its main goals are : conservation of biological diversity; sustainable use of it components; and fair and equitable sharing of benefits, arising from the utilization of genetic resources. Biosphere reserves promote this integrated approach and are thus well-placed to contribute to the implementation of the Convention.

The concept of BRs was created in 1974 and then significantly revised in 1995 by adoption of the Statutory Framework and the Seville Strategy further specifying the modern BRs visions and missions. According to the Strategy the BRs should help to solve questions related to harmonization of conservation of biodiversity and natural resources with their sustainable development.

The latest heading of the MAB and the BRs is given by the Madrid Declaration and the Madrid Action Plan (MAP) adopted in 2008. The MAP works up the Seville Strategy in detailed individual steps and tasks.


Biosphere reserves of the I. and II. generation

Prior to the Seville Strategy the model of a BR copied the model of management and functions of some protected conservation areas under the governmental authority administration. Biosphere reserve as well as nature protection areas, was mainly focused on nature conservation and other functions were neglected. BR management was directive and without participation of stakeholders and communities. This kind of BR is called the " Ist generation biosphere reserve". Such kind of a BR can be found in developing countries as well as in the most developed states, including the Czech Republic.

New recommended and functional model of a BR management, mentioned in the Seville Strategy is a complex cooperation of environmental and social scientists, conservation and development groups, representatives of the governments and local authorities and in the first place the local people. Management considers all three BR functions equally important and fulfills them as such. The BRs operating on the mentioned bases are called the "IInd generation biosphere reserves".

The Lower Morava Biosphere Reserve is proud to  represent the IInd generation BR, because its management and fulfillment of ideas of World network of BRs is , in accordance with the Seville Strategy, provided by stakeholder based NGO, established in August 2004. 

Download this file (Madrid action plan.pdf)Madrid action plan.pdf[ ]261 Kb
Download this file (Seville strategy.pdf)Seville strategy.pdf[ ]78 Kb
Download this file (statframe[1].pdf)Statutory Framework[ ]126 Kb