Home Basic info Natura 2000

Natura 2000

aims to become network of sites designed to protect the most critically endangered habitats and species of plants and animals across Europe (e.g. peatbogs, steppes or mountain spruce forests). It encompasses Special Protection Areas for birds (SPA) and Special Areas of Conservation (SAC).

Proposed lists of these sites are submitted by individual EU states in accordance with the Birds Directive (Council Directive 79/409/EEC of April 2nd 1979 on the protection of birds) and the Habitats Directive (Council Directive 92/43/EEC of May 21st 1992 on the protection of natural habitats, animals and plants). Natura 2000 aims to conserve species and biodiversity and to improve the conditions of habitats, as well as to establish a balance between nature conservation and human activities, such as agriculture (www.natura2000.cz).

SPA for birds are sites which meet the specific criteria for the survival or breeding of birds. As a rule, a site can be designated as an SPA for birds if it is used for breeding, feeding, wintering or migration. As of 2004 SPAs for birds have been considered a new category of protected areas and as such they are designated by local governments (Act No. 218/2004).

The area of the Lower Morava BR encompasses the following SPAs for birds:
Pálava, the Lednice Fishponds and the confluence in the vicinity of Tvrdonice

Special Areas of Conservation are sites which aim to conserve or restore the biodiversity of habitats with specified species of animals and plants. The designation and management of such sites encompasses certain measures and restrictions. These, however, must take into account the economic, social and cultural requirements and regional characteristics of the state in which such a site is situated.

Within the Lower Morava BR a total of 17 SAC were designated :
Bezručova alej, Děvín, Klentnice and the St. George Church, Lednice chateau, Milovický Forest, the Dyje River Floodplain, Paví kopec, Rendezvous, Rybniční Manor, Skalky by Sedlec, saline meadow by Nesyt, confluence – Podluží, Stolová hora (mesa), Studánkový vrch, Svatý kopeček near Mikulov, Turold, Úvalský Fishpond.

Special areas of conservation approved in the Czech Republic will be consequently designated as one of the categories of special protected areas in accordance with the Act No. 114/1992 on nature and landscape protection.