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Nature Reserve (NR) 

is designed to protect only regionally or locally important ecosystems. It follows similar basic protection conditions to those of national nature reserves and it is designated through a regulation issued by the respective regional authority and the administration of the respective protected landscape area.

Liščí vrch – steppe habitats in an agricultural landscape
Milovická stráň – forest ecosystems of thermophilous oak forests and steppe habitats
Svatý kopeček – rocky and steppe habitats on limestone foundation
Šibeničník – limestone cliff with a rock and meadow steppe
Turold – important geological, steppe and rocky site with caves
Františkův rybník (František’s Fishpond) – fishpond with reeds and thermophilous grassland on sand
Skařiny – important forest bird and mycological site
Stiburkovská jezera (Stiburkovská Lakes) – alluvial meadows and oxbows of the Morava river